The Pain of Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis can bring a large amount of throbbing pain to your feet as the plantar fascia and other foot muscles perform their functions in conjunction with the arch. As the fascia is stretched beyond its limit, it results in inflammation at the base of the heel, causing Plantar Fasciitis.

This condition commonly results in a sharp throbbing pain that happens with your first steps when you wake up. As you become more mobile, the discomfort declines but then comes back after standing for a long period of time. If individuals have high arches or flat feet, they may be more likely to develop plantar fasciitis. If you have a tight Achilles tendon, you may also have a higher chance of developing plantar fasciitis. Those who are significantly overweight, elderly or have worn calves may be at a greater risk of having problems with their plantar fascia. As you can also imagine, wearing shoes that have soft soles or lack arch support also leads to higher rates of plantar fasciitis because the required structure is lacking.

Things you can do to alleviate the pain of plantar fasciitis:

  • Place foot support devices such as orthotics in your shoes to reduce stress on the plantar fascia.

  • Use appropriate pain killing medications.

  • Exercise caution when participating in high intensity activities.

  • Don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes!

  • Physical therapy is commonly a part of controlling pain and will focus on stretching the plantar fascia, strengthening lower leg muscles and providing stability when walking. This will alleviate the amount of tension placed on the plantar fascia.

  • Surgery may be required to repair the plantar fascia when conservative treatment methods fail.

Contact us at Ara Kelekian, DPM, at our convenient offices in Montebello & Burbank, CA. Our podiatrist, Dr. Ara Kelekian, can work with you to bring comfort to your plantar fascia sooner than you think! So, please make an appointment by calling our podiatry team at (323) 346-0996 or (818) 848-0535 or fill out our website appointment request form to schedule a visit.


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